Wednesday, October 04, 2006

From one to another

Weekend to weekend, it's what it feels like at the moment - bit of a mixed blessing, but we're nearly there! I'm loving what we've been doing at weekends but also feeling slighty tired (!!!).

Last weekend we were away at a church leaders weekend at Hothorpe Hall, which was lovely. However it was still quite busy for me as I was working here and there, but nevetheless it was great to have the chance to catch-up with some friends that we don't always have the time to catch-up with. God also did some fantastic stuff at the weekend, for both Gary and I. I have found things quite tough lately because there is so much going on, which has often meant that when I spend time with God or am in worship I have a bit of a barrier up as I feel there's too much to think about or sort through. Well, as you can probably guess, God decided to sort through some of the stuff at the weekend and break the 'dam' that I had built, so that was good.

Lucy enjoyed it, playing with friends and generally having fun, she loved her little bed. On the Sunday we had chance to pray for all the kids that were there, this was a brilliant time and at the end of it Lucy was telling me about the Angels that were at the back of the stage area that she was singing with - fantastic.

This week has so far proved to be fairly busy, with a long unexpected trip to Ikea, don't we just love that place!! We got our kitchen from Ikea - it looks great - but have had a few broken things and things missing. Anyway after that I went to Netball - must be crazy as really was shattered but needed some Sarah time. Last night we had cell, tonight we've catching up with some friends then tomorrow we off to Kent for an 80 celebration at the weekend.

Oh it's a busy time in murray's house going from one to another......

1 comment:

Murray said...

Hi Kate, nice to hear from you. Sounds like you're also having great time. Will be touch with photos etc soon
Sarah xxxox