Friday, September 01, 2006

The colour goes on

Yes.... finally the colour goes on - in more ways than one!

Last weekend we spent a fair bit of time painting, it's great to see some colour go on the walls, and it's amazing the difference it makes. It's really beginning to look like a house, and also feels like we're nearly there. We've not got much left to paint now, just one bedroom upstairs and two main rooms downstairs. The 'sparkys' have been doing the finally fittings, we got the lights today to go up, so really not long now. So here are some lovely pics so you can see how we're doing, and yes to prove that I have been painting!!!

I know it looks yellow, but it's not - that's the flash on my camera, it's magnolia ceiling with white walls.

Now the other colour that has been going on is me, not just when painting the walls - I do look like I've been rolling in the paint before putting it on the wall - I just like to get 'in there'!!! Anyway, I went with a couple of friends and had my colours done - this was part of a birthday present for my big 30!

I have learnt that I'm a "sunny spring", and that nearly all the clothes in my wardrobe are the wrong colour! Oh dear, what a shame I'll have to go shopping :o) but seriously I was surprised the difference it made when the lady put a colour against me that wasn't right, I either looked 'blotchy' or I looked pale and washed out, in fact slightly blue! Not a good look. But before I get into buying the right colours, another present I had for my birthday was a 'style' consultation - so I'll let you know how that goes. Once I've done that I'm hoping to be transformed..... mmm.... let's just wait and see.


Pete Lev said...

Hey Sarah! House looking good! Looking forward to seeing it and the stylish new you soon!

Sooz said...

House looks fab can't wait to see you again soon!
So I am guessing no more black then!!
I would love a style consultation sounds brilliant!
